toffaha toffaha (arabic: apple) is the artist couple Rasga Ragab and Christoph Nicolaus. Their videos, photos and performance since 2012 happen sometimes very spontaneously, sometimes very untended. At many places of the earth they do their works in public spaces coalescing with the history, the culture, the nature and the specific singularity of these specific sites. In many works they wear white dresses. | |
‘mumei TEN : residues, is our latest endeavour to interact with people all over the globe. This project invited seven artists and composers: Tao G. Vrhovec Sambolec, Christian Kesten, Cao Thanh Lan, Steffi Weismann, Rebekah Alero, Carolyn Chan and Rasha Ragab, to create a postcard piece, which we then randomly sent out to 180 participants.’ | |
BRoWN is a team of four artists who are curating video art/ art film for film festivals or similar events. Juschi Bannaski is a painter. She lives and works in Berg near Munich. Rasha Ragab is an artist and curator amongst others in the „Museum of Modern Art in Cairo“. She lives and works in Cairo and Munich. Roman Wörndl is a visual artist. He lives and works in Berg near Munich. Christoph Nicolaus is an artist and organizer of different art-events, such as „Kunst im Bau“ and „Klang im Dach“. He lives and works in Munich. | |
I Lost Myself in Finding You! Between singing and reading Rasha Ragab presents old Sufi poems in Arabic, written by two early Sufi poets, a woman and a man. The poems are filled with great poetry, poignancy, transcendence and beauty. The performance is based on a musical composition in which the verses, not the music, are pre referential. Poetry has always played an outstanding, superior role in Arabic culture. Rabi’a Al-‘Adawiyya was born between 714 and 718 AD (95 and 98 Hijri) in Basra, Iraq, and died in her 80s in Basra in 801 AD (185 H.) The second poet, Al- Hallaj, was born March 26th 858 AD (244 H. ) in Fars, Persia. He was executed on his birthday on March 26th 922 AD (309 H. ) in Baghdad, Iraq. Sufism or Tasawwuf as it is known in the Muslim world, is a mysticism mostly widespread in Islam. Sufis describes it as the Path of Love where the human soul searches out God, and if the grace of God falls upon the searcher, then he or she finds fana (annihilation) in God and, ultimately, baqa or eternal existence in the consciousness of God. | |
Musica Sanae is a celebration and a tribute to these long-existing interconnections between medicine and sound, between science and mysticism, between research and speculation. Dozens of musicians, artists, theorists and researchers are meeting under the umbrella of Musica Sanae to report on their own investigations in the area. Some of them will use medical tools while others will do with medical treatments, procedures and beliefs; we will have illnesses and medical cases examined, scientific research turned into music strategies; viruses sonified and hallucination enacted; and all this in unique, usually inaccessible venues of great medical importance. | |
Opening is a festival in Trier for Music, art and culture | |
The Wandelweiser Group is an international group of composers/performers. It was founded in 1992 by Dutch-born flautist Antoine Beuger and German violinist Burkhard Schlothauer. In 1993 Swiss clarinetist Jürg Frey was invited to join, followed by American guitarist Michael Pisaro, Swiss pianist Manfred Werder, then Austrian trombonist Radu Malfatti the following year, then American trombonist Craig Shepard, and others. The group runs its own publishing operation, Edition Wandelweiser, and its own record label Wandelweiser Records. The music of the Wandelweiser collective is characterized by sparse, quiet, fragile soundscapes incorporating frequent silences.[1] According to Radu Malfatti, Wandelweiser music is about “the evaluation and integration of silence(s) rather than an ongoing carpet of never-ending sounds.” Michael Pisaro suggests that Wandelweiser works, which often involve extended durations of hours or longer,[2] offer an alternative relationship to time; these pieces “become not a duration to mark, but a space to occupy” | |
Article about Rasha Ragab’s performance Hareem..Hareem, performed in Cairo 2008 in Arabic Language. |حريم-رشا-رجب-لوحات-تدب-فيها-الحياة/66975 |
Article about Rasha Ragab’s performance Picasso’s Women performed in Austria 2009 in German Language. | |
Hieroglyphic memories Das Licht des Jetzt auf den Hieroglyphen der Vergangenheit Projekt von Rasha Ragab und Joachim Eckl In Kooperation mit Werner Fritsch und seinem Projekt “Faust Sonnengesang” Performance Rasha Ragab September 2008 Grab des Asasis Das Licht des Jetzt wurde mit Spiegeln auf die alten Hieroglyphen der Vergangenheit im Grab des Asasis geworfen. Rasha Ragab ist eine ägyptische Künstlerin mit nubischer Herkunft. Sie hat in ihrer Performance die körperliche Erinnerung des hieroglyphischen Reliefs erschaffen. Das Projekt entstammt einer Idee von Rasha Ragab und Joachim Eckl in Zusammenarbeit mit Werner Fritsch und seinem Projekt „Faust Sonnengesang“. | |
Events in the context of the exhibition “Working on Myth. Orient and Occident” | |–kvx7N5iIEBeSXRS1LqQ