Flowers of Life
Life Performance
06.08.2023 – resetNow exhibition
Haus Der Kunst

The Flower of Life is a very well-known symbol in the ancient and modern
world and is found in all advanced cultures.
The geometric pattern consists of 19 intersecting circles evenly spaced to
create an intricate pattern of overlapping symmetrical flowers.
The flower of life seems at first to represent a female structure. In fact,
however, it contains both male and female forms of energy. The
intersections of the circles stand for the masculine, the curves for the
The representation of the flower of life begins with the so-called seed (the
central circle and six intersecting circles forming from its center).
Its shape is similar to the DNA helix of the human body, which contains the
genetic information for the structure and organisation of the organism.
What makes the Flower of Life so meaningful is that it potentially supports
the scientific theories emerging today.
Recent developments in quantum physics and other sciences suggest that
there is consciousness in the universe and that all energy or data that has
ever existed is stored in it in geometric forms.
For example, nuclear physicist and molecular biologist Jeremy Hayward of
Cambridge University says: “Some mainstream scientists are no longer
afraid to say openly that consciousness may be one of the basic elements
of the world, along with space, time, matter and energy” and he says that
consciousness may even be more fundamental than space and time.
And Werner Heisenberg expressed the view that the spiritual should be
understood as the basis of the world rather than matter.